Late Summer's Day
Graphite on Illustration Board
When the late summer breeze tickles the leaves
we dress down to bare essentials with bare toes and bare knees
to enjoy the cool breeze that gathers beneath the trees.
In an old wooden swing back and forth we sway
there's no better way to spend the end to a late summer's day
than swinging and singing the sweet little songs
that little girls sing when they swing!
Jennifer M. Ward copyright 2007
The Old Ranch Tub
Graphite on Illustration Board
Robach Collection
My niece, Brooklynne, sitting in the kitchen sink taking her bath while her mom prepared dinner for the guests of northwestern Arizona's Bar S Ranch. A big thank you to my middle sister Jaimie Robach, Brooklynne's mom, for providing such a beautiful photo of my precious niece for the inspiration for this piece!
Good Ol' Blue
Prisma Color on Mylar
In 1974 Blue stood in the Navajo Reservation corral waiting for the same fate as the 'Locos', when he was bought for fifteen dollars by a rancher who thought the little horse needed a second chance. He brought Blue home and thus began Ol' Blue's career of teaching the youngsters how to work cattle. Blue was given to my family when I was about eight. My legs soon outgrew the little guy and I passed him on down. The little girl in the drawing is my youngest sister who at the age of four learned that for an offering of a handful of grass Ol' Blue would let her climb on his back and let her ride with no bridle. A true hand-me-down horse, Ol' Blue is lived well into his forties and enjoyed his much deserved retirement.
Watching the Grandkids
Graphite on Paper
Children do the strangest things but turn a bunch of grandchildren and great grandchildren loose on a farm and you have hours of entertainment! Comedy or chaos, Grampa wasn't quite sure, but, either way the laughter and good times was worth every scar and callous on his hands as he sat on his 'scooter' and watched the show on the his Trout Creek Ranch.
Billy's Creek
Water Color on Arches Paper
There's my Billy, water noodle in hand and ready to conquer the cool waters of Beaver Creek! The swimming hole at the Beaver Creek Ranger Station in Arizona's Verde Valley is where I spent many a wonderful summer swimming. The red sandstone cliffs accentuated by the tall, green canopies of sycamores, cottonwood and ash reflecting off of the sparkling, crystal clear water makes this an awesome setting for an aquatic conquest!
This page was last updated: January 26, 2016
Bath Time Means Bedtime
Graphite on Illustration Board
Since early this morning I've worked hard all day,
a few naps in between, a few moments of play.
I've helped in the garden, helped hand out the hay,
helped feed the chickens, helped put the laundry away.
I wore my prettiest smile all of the day.
But now here I sit soaking away in the ol' ranch tub
with a pout on my face and nothing to say.
It's not that warm water's not nice or that bubbles aren't fun...
bath time means bedtime, the day is all done.
Jennifer M. Ward copyright 2007

Late Summer Afternoon
Graphite on Illustration Board
Two cousins, best of friends share the old wooden swing that dad/uncle Jake had, as a boy, hung in the big shade tree in Grandma's front yard. The tree from which the swing hangs is a Cottonwood tree and is quite typical of a rural Arizona shade tree in that it has had many uses through out its years. It has been used to hitch horses, to save cats from dogs, to roost chickens, to hang laundry, to shade the house, yard, barbeques and mechanics and to hold up tree forts and swings. But most importantly it has provided a cool place for 'bestest' of friends to enjoy a late summer afternoon. Thank you again middle sister for providing such an inspirational photograph!
2nd Place, Fine Arts Division Pencil, Adult Professional, 2006 Pima County Fair
1st Place, Fine Arts Division Watercolor, Adult Non-professional, 2003 Pima County Fair
1st Place, Fine Art Adult, 2003 Davis Monthan A.F.B. Artist and Craftsman Contest
Featured in KUDOS MAGAZINE, Art and Soul Section, March 2nd, 2005 Edition.
3rd Place, Fine Arts Division Pencil, Adult Professional, 2008 Pima County Fair